How to Live Intentionally, Stay Encouraged, Stay Inspired – Talk with Celeste Jonson

As a transformational speaker & coach, Celeste Jonson is an expert at energizing and inspiring people to fully utilize their God-given gifts and personal power to facilitate transformations in their lives and those they lead. She brings a compelling and engaging message to those who seek to grow and optimize their success.

Celeste has been a keynote speaker or trainer at conferences, seminars, and private meetings across the U.S. and other countries including Japan, Canada, South Africa, Kenya, and Ghana. Her greatest asset is her passion for inspiring and challenging people to raise the bar on their personal performance and collective results. She is not limited however, to inspired “motivational” speaking. Celeste also delivers highly interactive training experiences in person, via webinars or online intensive bootcamps.

“It’s clear when I was created I was given the gifts of encouragement, faith and singing. My assignment is to encourage and inspire people to live intentionally (in line with the gifts they were given when created) and optimally (to the best degree possible). Just think about it…what if everyone lived in line with their their best selves, excelling at what they were designed to do best. How exciting would that be? That’s simply and exactly what I do! As my sister Vanessa would say, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!,” says Celeste.

Visit her website for a daily dose of inspiration:

How to Live Intentionally, Stay Encouraged, Stay Inspired - Talk with Celeste JonsonHow to Live Intentionally, Stay Encouraged, Stay Inspired - Talk with Celeste JonsonHow to Live Intentionally, Stay Encouraged, Stay Inspired - Talk with Celeste JonsonHow to Live Intentionally, Stay Encouraged, Stay Inspired - Talk with Celeste JonsonHow to Live Intentionally, Stay Encouraged, Stay Inspired - Talk with Celeste Jonson
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