The Importance of High-Achieving, Vibrant Women Leaders In today’s rapidly growing world, the importance of high-achieving, vibrant women leaders cannot be overstated. Diverse leadership teams have been shown to drive innovation, facilitate better decision-making, and contribute to more robust organizational
Tag: leadership
How to Deal with Difficult Leadership Matters and Challenges as a Leader
Are you a leader who stays awake at night? Many leaders stay awake at night. We live in a challenging business world. Every individual occupying an important position knows about a highly skilled, resourceful executive who was elevated into a
How to Rebuild Your Business After Covid-19, Pivot After Pandemic
Leaders, are you ready to pivot? Leaders should be ready to pivot after the pandemic to be sources of hope and strength for their teams. The Coronavirus, though not expected by many, is no doubt changing how a lot is
5 Ways To Help Your Community
As humans, while seeking our personal growth and development, it is important that we also seek the same to help our community. Helping your community makes it a better place to live for you, your family and neighbors. It also
How I became Ms. Black, Fit & Fine at age 69
My face became flushed at the Ms. Black, Fit & Fine beauty pageant. Tears filled my eyes. My heart skipped beats and I couldn’t believe what just happened. The announcer called my name. This moment was incredible. I wanted this opportunity.
Mom, Lead Your Millennial Daughters With Wisdom
Following Mom’s Lead Be a leader and not a follower, mom said. A gentle breeze graced their faces while walking down 40th street. The new year of school began. And they were giggling, snapping their fingers to the songs playing
The Ultimate Guide To A Vibrant Life Over 50
Breaking Forth with A Vibrant Life Over 50 The golden jubilee and a vibrant life are great moments of celebration and reminiscing on your life’s success. Additionally, they are significant milestones and turning points in life, where you’ll start to
How Every Vibrant Woman Should Deal With Negative Work Environments (Part 4)
Welcome to the last lesson in How Every Vibrant Woman Should Deal With Negative Work Environments series: Present Your Case Today I will show you how to present your case in negative work environments But, if you missed any of the other
Vibrant Women Don’t Compete They Collaborate
Vibrant women don’t compete. We support each other and collaborate. We live in a word where people love to compete with each other over every little thing. However, I feel like this: Why compete with like-minded individuals when they can
How To Be A Confident-Vibrant Woman Leader
Being A Confident, Vibrant Woman What’s your passion? Your purpose? Why do you do what you do as a vibrant woman leader? When you’re clear on these things, you empower yourself with the confidence needed to influence others. Knowing and