Are Your Fashion and Style Trying to Kill You Over Fifty?

Are Your Fashion and Style Trying to Kill You Over Fifty?Fashion styles are like fine wine; they get better with time. 

For folks over fifty, numerous fashion styles exist. Unfortunately, some of these fashion styles inadvertently cause more harm than good. 

You may likely be among the few individuals whose fashion styles can be likened to risky or dangerous. 

Being fifty and over requires you to make deliberate choices which directly or indirectly affect your health.

These choices do not exclude your fashion and style selection.  

Justice on the Jersey Shore- Dr. Geneva Williams
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Your choice of shoes, makeup habits, choice of underpants and underwear are among the most probable fashion and style risk factors.

Sometimes too, for you over fifty, your choice of clothes may be a major fashion and style faux pas.

Let’s take a dive into ways your fashion and style may be trying to kill you at fifty.

Love for tight jeans

Tight jeans, as a matter of fact, give you a youthful, energetic and appropriate look. That’s probably the only plus side tight jeans can offer when it comes to fashion and style.

Did you know that tight jeans restrict blood circulation, which leads to slow digestion and expansion of the nerves?

This is one of the ways your fashion and style can likely lead to worse health issues. If you are a lover of jeans, you can opt for loose jeans instead.

They may not give you the look you desire, but they actually give you a smarter look and a more efficient circulatory and digestive system.

Consider this traditional fashion style for that lucky fella you know: Ties

Who would have ever thought that wearing ties too could be classified as a bad fashion and style habit?

Well, for individuals over fifty, it most certainly is.

Apart from the fact that it also restricts blood circulation around the neck; it also limits neck movement and increases fluid pressure inside the eyes (ocular hypertension). 

Tight Ponytails and Buns

Except you wish to have permanent hair loss, then leaving your hair in tight ponytails and buns should be avoided as often as possible.

Men and women over fifty who have more tendencies to experience receding hairlines should take this advice.

The medical condition; traction alopecia, causes permanent hair loss and can altogether be avoided simply by avoiding hairstyles that add more stress to your hairlines.  

High heeled shoes

This is especially for women over fifty.

Lovers of high heeled shoes should beware lest they attract more health risks to their bodies.

Granted, heels give a very classy and trendy look.

But they can be harmful particularly to women above fifty. Some dangers caused by wearing high heels are listed below.

  • Knee and back pain
  • Trapped Nerves
  • Foot arthritis
  • Bunions
  • Spine injuries


There are several other fashion and style choices which should greatly be avoided.

Make smart and healthy fashion choices while maintaining a beautiful and gorgeous look. 

I would love to come to your next event, seminar or workshop to speak more on my signature topics! Contact me here for more inquiries and details.

geneva williams

About Dr. Geneva

Dr. Geneva J. Williams is a Master Leadership Strategist & Vibrant Life Architect.  She is also the author of Justice on the Jersey Shore and reigning Ms. Black Fit and Fine

Are Your Fashion and Style Trying to Kill You Over Fifty?Are Your Fashion and Style Trying to Kill You Over Fifty?Are Your Fashion and Style Trying to Kill You Over Fifty?Are Your Fashion and Style Trying to Kill You Over Fifty?Are Your Fashion and Style Trying to Kill You Over Fifty?
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