Why You Need To Pause In Life For Self Care

Why You Need To Pause In Life For Self CareDid you know that amidst the roller coaster life puts you on, your body needs its fair share of rest? Alternatively, do you keep slaving without a definite pause culture?

Most times, people experience what is called a mid-life crisis, which usually is a function of an emotional breakdown or a psychological trauma or a career death.

It is often an offshoot of being overwhelmed or heavily fatigued or just damn tired and exhausted.

The thing is that it is always a significant throwback and it offsets many people and puts them off balance because they don’t know what to do next or where to start from.


Everyone needs an off button or in this case a pause button which would allow you to reflect and most importantly embody self-care.

Self-care in this context means a whole lot of pampering and self-reflection. It includes conscious steps towards your general well being.

Also, it involves putting your needs first ahead of others and not feeling guilty about it.

Self-care consists of a full body and mind rest for moments or periods.

It could envisage things like a full body massage to loosen your tense muscles, taking a nap, having quality family or friends time out, and just living your life fully.

Justice on the Jersey Shore- Dr. Geneva Williams
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There are a thousand and one reasons why every person should take a minute or an hour or a week if they may take care of themselves.

The reason they call it a pause because you still get to go back.

This means the work will always be there, but your body or the state of your mind could continuously deteriorate.

Here’s why you need a pause for self care


We are certainly not machines, and this means we need our share of rest and care.

Most times, it’s not about who works hard the most, but who works smart.

Productivity is not measured by the amount of work that you can do but by sequence, which means taking time to do your task very well.

So your breaks could constitute moments where you sharpen your tools to ensure a safe transition and better output when you go back.


A pause would allow you to evaluate your previous accomplishments and strategize on how to make it better.

Feedback is as valuable as the job itself.

Therefore, when you give time to self-evaluation, you are taking care of yourself.

And your work at the same time as it will help you learn and move forward.


This is a self-care mechanism that works every time. Pause and celebrate.

There’s a saying that life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

That shouldn’t be you.

Try to pause and celebrate the victories because it gives you a reason to get back on that roller coaster to start again.

Self-care for many people does not mean much.

But lack of it could banish you to a life of worry and anxiety and stress, and these are things that should be kept at abeyance.

Try to resolve today to always look out for you first.

I would love to come to your next event, seminar or workshop to speak more on my signature topics! Contact me here for more inquiries and details.

geneva williams

About Dr. Geneva

Dr. Geneva J. Williams is a Master Leadership Strategist & Vibrant Life Architect.  She is also the author of Justice on the Jersey Shore and reigning Ms. Black Fit and Fine

Why You Need To Pause In Life For Self CareWhy You Need To Pause In Life For Self CareWhy You Need To Pause In Life For Self CareWhy You Need To Pause In Life For Self CareWhy You Need To Pause In Life For Self Care
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