How to Be Fine, Fit & Fabulous Over 50

Life Coaching with Dr. Geneva WilliamsLooking at the truth, nobody relishes the idea of getting old. But that is a hard change we all have to experience and deal with.

While growing old can be good for one’s mental health, it brings a lot of physical bummer with it. You name it; saggy skin, wrinkles, weak muscles and bones, and paunchiness. All in all, being fit and fabulous doesn’t seem to fit into the equation.

But that’s a fallacy. Who said age has got anything on one looking super fit and fabulous? With a few lifestyle changes and additions, you can look great, and even younger than your age. It’s only going to cost you your time. As for the money, you’ll only be converting money spent on not so good choices for spending on healthier choices.

Justice on the Jersey Shore- Dr. Geneva Williams
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Attaining Your Fit and Fabulous Look After 50

The good news is that it is not so difficult to do. You’ll only need to cover aspects such as your nutrition, skin care, attitude, exercise, and fashion skills. Here are a few tips to keep you fit and fabulous when you’re over 50:


While exercise is important for all ages, it is even more vital for people attaining their 50s. Early morning walks, stretches, and cardiovascular exercise routines are the best form of exercise for middle-aged people. It’ll strengthen your muscles, reduce fat retention, and keep your heart healthy.

Always Moisturize

You want to reduce wrinkles? This is the best thing you can do. Use baby oils and body lotions after every shower. It works! Don’t ever leave your skin to dry after any shower without moisturizing very well. Lather it generously on your face, knees, and knuckles.

Dress Well

This can be a bit technical, but not impossible. You don’t want to look like a granny, but you also don’t want to be looking like you’re forced to relieve your teenage years. You can never go wrong with skinny jeans, tailored pants, and fitted shirts. Reduce your use of flip-flops and weird looking cardigans. You can still look chic, fit, and fabulous despite the age.

Use Sunscreen

It is not news that UV rays break down the skin fibers responsible for tautness and elasticity. If you don’t want wobbly chins and saggy skin, use sunscreen. Sunscreen will protect your skin from UV rays and delay wrinkling of your skin.

Change Your Eating Lifestyle

You might want to cut down on the carbs and alcohol and switch to healthier food. Once you’re over 50, your metabolism is not as it used to be. Your body will start processing meals slower. So, you need to help your metabolism by taking foods that will dissipate faster. Take fruits, veggies, and seafoods. Remember, drink a lot of water. Hydration is good for you.

Sleep Well

Sleeping well can affect how you look for the better. When your sleep is not enough, your look will wobble. You need a good 7 hours of uninterrupted night sleep daily. With good sleep, you will avoid looking stressed, carrying eye bags, and looking ruffled. 

Show Positivity

Smile more, stress less, and laugh heartily. Your face is bound to look radiant when you radiate positivity. Scowling and stressing won’t do good things for your face. You will only grow frown lines and reduce your chances of looking fit and fabulous.

Don’t forget; the majority of these acts will give you a banging body. Now, who doesn’t want a smoking hot body when they are over 50? Don’t believe you’re too old for all things. As a woman, use light makeup, go for manicure and pedicure sessions, and sashay when you walk. As a man, groom your facial hair, pay attention to your style, and get a good barber. 

Fit and fabulous at 50 is just one step away; don’t be afraid and take the leap of faith today.

I would love to come to your next event, seminar or workshop to speak more on my signature topics! Contact me here for more inquiries and details.

geneva williams

About Dr. Geneva

Dr. Geneva J. Williams is a Master Leadership Strategist & Vibrant Life Architect.  She is also the author of Justice on the Jersey Shore and reigning Ms. Black Fit and Fine

How to Be Fine, Fit & Fabulous Over 50How to Be Fine, Fit & Fabulous Over 50How to Be Fine, Fit & Fabulous Over 50How to Be Fine, Fit & Fabulous Over 50How to Be Fine, Fit & Fabulous Over 50
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