The Power of Sisterhood and Women Helping Other Women Grow and Excel – Talk with Sonia Jackson Myles

The Power of Sisterhood. The Power of Love. With the Sister Accord message, Sonia Jackson Myles is leading a Global REVOLUTION of LOVE! Her goal is to have 1 BILLION girls and women living the principles of The Sister Accord by using the 9 Jewels each and every day. The 9 Sister Accord Jewels are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Selflessness. Sonia is the author of The Sister Accord:  51 Ways To LOVE Your Sister, which was nominated for a 2013 NAACP Image Award.

It’s easy to make the commitment to living The Sister Accord principles. Sonia is confident that she will meet her lofty goal, as everyone who has seen the resolution LOVES it! The difficult part is the dedication that must occur each and every day, to live The Sister Accord. It takes work and great intentionality. As a result, Sonia has developed programs and models designed to enable meaningful and healthy relationships among girls and women. See http://home/devserver/public_html/ for details on her programs and curriculum.

About Sonia: Sonia Jackson Myles has over 20 years of experience (managing nearly $20 Billion) in Corporate America, working for top Fortune 500 companies such as Ford Motor Company, The Gillette Company and Procter & Gamble.  She is the Founder, President & CEO of The Accord Group LLC, & The Sister Accord LLC.  Sonia has used her marketing talents and skills to successfully build a number of global brands since leaving her position as Director, Global Packaging Purchases for P&G.

She recently made history in Cincinnati by having her Sister A.C.C.O.R.D. Leadership Development Program curriculum integrated across the entire Cincinnati Public School system.

The Power of Sisterhood and Women Helping Other Women Grow and Excel - Talk with Sonia Jackson MylesThe Power of Sisterhood and Women Helping Other Women Grow and Excel - Talk with Sonia Jackson MylesThe Power of Sisterhood and Women Helping Other Women Grow and Excel - Talk with Sonia Jackson MylesThe Power of Sisterhood and Women Helping Other Women Grow and Excel - Talk with Sonia Jackson MylesThe Power of Sisterhood and Women Helping Other Women Grow and Excel - Talk with Sonia Jackson Myles

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