Are You Positioned to Ignite to Impact the Next Generation of Leaders? #staywoke
Ignite 2 Impact is a podcast that involves great conversations, discussions that matter. I’m inspired by the lyrics to the 1970s hit, “Wake Up, Everybody,” which reminded us that “The world will get no better if we just let it be.” So Ignite 2 Impact is about making the world a better place – we must #staywoke.
Listen to the debut show by clicking => Here
Journey Into a Life of Leadership with the Ignite 2 Impact Podcast
Every week we bring you the inspiring stories of people from all walks of life: entrepreneurs, teachers, nonprofit executives, artists, and everyday folk who are unleashing their leadership. They are solving problems in their communities, creating change and leaving an impact. I try to focus on how these creative people ignite collaboration …turn bad situations around . . . and still stay excited about their own journey into a life of leadership.
Leadership comes in many shapes and forms. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do or where you live: everyone has the ability to lead. Leadership is about influencing others to do something — to act, to follow a dream, to complete a task. Everyone is called to lead in some way, sometime in life. Watching my own father engage in effective community activism throughout my childhood shaped my view about what you’re expected to do in life: overcome the tough times, then help people and make a difference for others.
In each Ignite 2 Impact podcast, I will use my experience and the experiences of others to highlight leadership lessons that you can use right away in your own life.
The letters from the word IGNITE can help you remember Action Steps that we will go over again and again on the Ignite 2 Impact podcast.
IMAGINE your desired outcomes. Visualize what could be, not what is. See your destination. When you master visioning strategies and become an expert at solution-oriented activities, you can shape everyday reality and have impact.
GET your purpose on. What’s your purpose, your raison d’être? Why do what you do? When you’re clear on these things, when you know your assignment, you empower yourself with the confidence and focus to influence others.
NAVIGATE turbulent times. Leadership is tough. Learning how to master the social, political, and personal dynamics in community work will help you steer right through troubled waters and gain the force to put you on top.
INSPIRE others. Leadership is about influencing people to do something: to act, to follow a dream, to complete a task. Develop an incredible ability to communicate and collaborate so well that others will embrace you as a leader. Listen . . . learn . . . then lead.
TRAIN like a champion. Athletes and successful champions practice all of the time, so that they can do without thinking. It’s called building muscle memory. Leadership is a learn-by-doing activity that will create inner strength — as you practice, practice, practice.
EXIT with legacy. Walk away from every encounter leaving something of meaningful value. As you give of your time, talent, and treasure today, you are building a legacy, making a difference and leading by example.
P.S. Don’t forget to leave a comment and a review in iTunes/Apple Podcasts!
About Me: I’m a Vibrant Life Architech and Master Leadership Strategist passionate about developing the next generation of leaders.
At home page, go and download my free gift on how to gain more confidence as a leader.
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