Becoming Your Best-Vibrant Self During Spring Time -Podcast Guest
As the podcast guest on the Karen Taylor Bass episode, I gave lots of advice on becoming your best, vibrant self.
When is a better time more than now to become your best, vibrant self? Now!
I mention in this episode how it is such a wonderful time to talk about this because of the Spring season that’s here.
The topic of Spring came up while speaking with my Facebook group Extraordinary Women Influencers on the first day of spring.
I told them that this was my favorite season because we do know that after winter always comes this alluring time full of change and blooming.
Everything is in a becoming process during Spring.
And I can relate to this process, especially I hit my 50s and 60s. Yes, that wonderful milestone for the vibrant life.
These are the years, where we move into new chapters in life. And, sometimes you may not be sure if you’re really ready for them.
So we’re going to talk about the preparation of getting to this chapter because we don’t even touch upon that as women and share our deepest thoughts.
Is Spring your favorite season? I want you to know that no matter what you’re facing at this moment winter comes to an end. Thus, spring will always begin.
Allow me to take your hand and show you the way to becoming your best, vibrant self. Take a listen to the episode here
About Dr. Geneva
Dr. Geneva J. Williams is a Master Leadership Strategist & Vibrant Life Architect. She is also the author of Justice on the Jersey Shore and reigning Ms. Black Fit and Fine
Have you purchased my new book? For information on, “Justice on the Jersey Shore,” go here.