Vibrant Woman, Patti Labelle Turns 75 & Says Don’t Prove Nothing to Anybody

What does a vibrant woman really need to prove according to Patti Labelle?
Patti Labelle reaches 75 years old after another phenomenal decade. She is the epitome of an example to not prove things to people.
Besides she has incredible gifts that continue to make room for her growth, successes, and prosperity.
A famous quote by her is “I don’t feel as though I have to prove anything to anybody.”
And, you want to know something? She’s right!
As you continue to live through the up’s and down’s in life, it’s easy to recognize what you are meant to be doing over 50.
Your purpose in the universe becomes a bit clearer. Like Patti Labelle, you’ll find that there’s nothing to prove about your existence or why you’re here.
Patti Labelle simply doesn’t prove anything to anyone because she’s learned the art of just letting things be.
She essentially allows God to breathe His will for her life day by day.
So, over the years she has developed an incredible brand as a singer, professional cook, mother, wife, overcomer to multiple family member losses (in a year) and won her battle to diabetes.
Patti Labelle didn’t prove herself to anyone. But, her gifts and brand did the proving for her to the masses.
When you answer the call to help others like Patti Labelle, it isn’t about proving anything–not even you worth.
This is about giving permission to your gifts to cultivate and work wonders in the lives of people.
You have nothing to lose, nor prove to anyone. However, begin this day to follow your heart and dreams.
Own the room, and leave behind anyone or place that doesn’t celebrate what you have to offer. “Every exit is an entrance to someplace else,” confirms Patti.
About Dr. Geneva
Dr. Geneva J. Williams is a Master Leadership Strategist & Vibrant Life Architect. She is also the author of Justice on the Jersey Shore and reigning Ms. Black Fit and Fine
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